Mental Health Resource List

This is a curated list of transformative, liberatory, and critical mental health resources. These include resources and organizations created by psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, journalists, activists, academics, those with lived experience, and across multiple roles. This list also includes intersectional, anti-racist, disability justice, trauma-informed, and LGBTQIA+ friendly resources. Please consider donating to these wonderful organizations.

It should be noted that the information and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of the individuals or organizations involved and do not necessarily reflect my own views or endorsement. I have compiled this list to provide folks with a wider range of information and resources, but I cannot definitively stand by all the actions or opinions expressed by the organizations or people listed.

*Projects and Organizations noted with [*] are ones I have personal involvement in

Communities & Organizations

non-profits | peer-led or critical psychology orgs | networks | forums | events |

*Institute for the Development of Human Arts (IDHA)

a mental health training institute with international membership that brings together mental health workers, clinicians, psychiatrists, current and prior users of mental health services, advocates, artists, and survivors of trauma and adversity, who are interested in exploring the link between personal and societal transformation. IDHA does online trainings, events, movement building, and more.

American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE)

ACISTE offers support groups, online networks, and provider databases for those who have spiritually transformative experiences, and certification trainings for clinicians and coaches who want to support others.

ancestors in training

Ancestors in Training™ is an educational project and lived experience that centers sacred traditions, new technologies, intergenerational healing, and grief work.

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM)

BEAM is a national training, movement building, and grant making institution that is dedicated to the healing, wellness, and liberation of Black and marginalized communities.

Critical Psychiatry Network [U.K.]

UK based psychiatrists with resources, articles, and educational resources challenging mainstream psychiatry

Decolonizing Therapy

Reimagines mental health and therapy through a decolonial lens focusing on historical trauma and educating clinicians and the public, started by Dr. Jennifer Mullan who I interviewed here on the Depth Work Podcast 

Disability Advocacy and Research Network (DARN)

An online network for disabled psychology students and those working in the field

Fireweed Collective

Fireweed Collective offers mental health education and mutual aid through a Healing Justice and Disability Justice lens, centering QTBIPOC folks in internal leadership, programs, and resources.

National Harm Reduction Coalition

Resources, policy and advocacy aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.

Hearing Voices Network [US] &
Hearing Voices Network [UK]

A collection of networks around the world joined by shared goals and values, incorporating a fundamental belief that there are many ways to understand the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences. 

Helping Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Understand the signs, prevention strategies, and how to seek help if you or a loved one was a victim of child sexual abuse. This organization offers legal help and curated educational resources for survivors and family members.

International Network Towards Alternatives and Rights Based Supports (INTAR) 

INTAR hosts global conferences and dialogues for alternatives beyond the biomedical model and networking between psych survivors and practitioners

loveland foundation

The Loveland Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides vouchers for therapy sessions for black women who need financial assistance.

people’s institute for survival and beyond (PISAB)

PISAB is a national, multiracial, anti-racist collective of organizers and educators, is dedicated to building a movement for social transformation. With workshops, consulting, and trainings, PISAB aims to undo racism and other forms of oppression.

Project Lets

Non-carceral, peer led mutual aid groups in universities and beyond with online resources and programs accessible at the intersection of mental health and disability justice.

Reimagining Psychiatry

Working groups of critical psychiatrists that promote alternative, consensual, and liberatory psychiatric practice

Sins Invalid

Disability justice based performance project that incubates and celebrates artists with disabilities, centralizing artists of color and LGBTQ / gender-variant artists as communities who have been historically marginalized. Has a free online 'primer' on disability justice.

Strong Minds Africa

StrongMinds provides free depression treatment to low-income women and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa.

Students with Psychosis

Students With Psychosis is a nonprofit that empowers student leaders and advocates worldwide through community-building and collaboration.

Therapy For Black Girls

Therapy for Black Girls is an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls started by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford.


Trainings | anthologies | online journals | podcasts

*Transformative Mental Health Core Curriculum by IDHA

a continuing education course for people who want to gain tangible advocacy skills, transform how they approach personal and collective healing, and shift broader systems of care. This self-guided, virtual training centers lived experience and is a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge spanning dozens of disciplines, social movements, geographies, and perspectives. Dive into 20+ hours of video content, facilitated by 40+ experts-by-experience and experts-by-training.

*Resource Library & Book List by IDHA

IDHA organizers compiled a library of essential resources (books, essay collections, films, poetry, and art) to deepen collective understanding of Transformative Mental Health.


Aimed at proliferating real stories, expert interviews, and practices that challenge existing narratives around mental health and advocate for more integrative and holistic treatment.

Get Mad Podcast with Vesper Moore

The GET MAD! Podcast is a transformative mental health, mad pride, and disability justice podcast with the aim of fostering public education and fueling social change.

Mad In America

the largest online journal with international chapters writing on themes of science, psychiatry, and social justice.

Madness Network News - Key Terms & Definitions

Alternate terminology and definitions for experiences around madness, disability, and neurodivergence


Undoing Racism®/Community Organizing is a workshop in which participants will experience a humanistic process for laying a foundation to explore how we have been racialized, socialized, and conditioned to think about race and racism. This intensive, interactive process challenges participants to analyze themselves first, then the structures of power and privilege that hinder social equity and prepares them to be effective organizers for justice.

Crisis Resources

respites | alternative models | research | warmlines

Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets (CAHOOTS) [OREGON, U.S.]

Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets provides mobile crisis intervention 24/7 in the Eugene-Springfield Metro area

Call Blackline [U.S]

Call BlackLine® provides a space for peer support, counseling, reporting of mistreatment, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences for folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.

Trans Lifeline [U.S.]

Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one, run by and for trans people.

Provider Databases

trauma-informed | anti-oppression | kink positive | therapists of color

Black Virtual Wellness Directory by BEAM [U.S.]

Find a Virtual Black therapist, doula, yoga teacher, mediator and much more.

therapy for black girls Therapist Directory [U.S.]

Find a great therapist for Black girls in your area, in person or online

aciste Support Directory [U.S.]

The ACISTE Support Directory is a referral service for individuals seeking support from professionals or from peers who are trained in supporting spiritually transformative experiences or spiritual emergencies. The directory includes currently registered or licensed mental health professionals, spiritual guidance counselors, and life coaches with a variety of backgrounds and skills to best meet the broad variety and level of need.