Making Impactful Changes in a Fractured System: Why I Quit Working in Public Mental Health

For many social workers and counselors, working in the public mental health system is unsustainable and rife with ethical violations. Many of us feel complicit in a system that can often do more harm than good. At the same time, many of us want to make changes within the system and are stuck feeling lonely, isolated, and even “crazy” for desiring to do things differently.

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What is Transformative Mental Health?

The field of Mental Health is in need of drastic change, but we need a vision to get us there. What would it look like in practice to build a system that truly transformed those it seeks to serve? What does mental health that is rooted in rights based, peer-centered, and holistic care look like?

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Beyond the Biomedical Model: 5 Myths about Mental Health Diagnoses & Treatment

Recent research shows that the roots of mental health concerns are much more complex than we think. Despite this, many myths about mental health concerns persist, even in the face of mounting evidence against them. It's time to put aside what we thought we knew about the DSM, diagnoses, psychotropic medication, and the chemical imbalance theory and take a more holistic approach to mental health.

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Feeling Lost After An Intense Spiritual Crisis? Here Are 10 Integration Strategies.

I believe what gets labeled as “psychosis” is absolutely healable and in many ways can be generative. It doesn’t matter how you define your experience: spiritual awakening, psychosis, dark night of the soul, healing crisis, etc. Here are my 10 best tips based on my own lived experience and working in crisis programs in and outside the mental health field…

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7 Ways To Spend Time Alone & Truly Enjoy It

For me, alone time is not only non-negotiable and sacred, but it’s also how I deeply nourish myself, cultivate my skills, seed my desires and goals, ground, come back to my center, and also have fun. Yet, many of us equate alone time with loneliness. Here are a few simple ways I’ve learned to love my alone time and cope with loneliness…

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5 Alternatives to New Years Resolutions

With each beginning of the new year, you might feel the pressure to make a change, set goals or do something different. But why is January so different from other months in the year? Change can happen any day, any month, any time. If we don't set ourselves up for success by planning in moments of reflection and self-awareness throughout the year, radical “goals” or “plans” don’t mean anything.

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Goal SettingJazmine Russell
October Writing Challenge - Channeled Writing

Have you ever tried channeled writing to gain more clarity and integration? Channeled writing is just a snazzy way of describing a process of connecting with an energy (life force, spirit, emotions) beyond yourself and letting that wisdom come through your hands onto the page. It's nothing fancy and anyone can do it.

I give channeled writing prompts to my clients ALL THE TIME because it can unearth so much inner wisdom. Think of channeled writing like a mini self-therapy session.

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How to Survive a Healing Crisis: When Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

Sometimes things get worse before they get better. If you've ever been through a "healing crisis," you know just how true this is. A healing crisis is a temporary worsening of symptoms during the healing process. I’ve struggled with an autoimmune disease for a while, but the last couple of months were a true challenge for me. Read what I did and how I survived.

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Holistic HealthJazmine Russelly, h
5 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism from an Ex-Perfectionist

Let's talk about the biggest thing that can get in the way of living our goals and dreams: perfectionism. Perfectionism is not a dedication to doing things well, or having "high standards". Perfectionism is actually shame and insecurity in disguise. Contrary to popular thoughts, it is not a personality trait. We can "unlearn" how to be perfectionists, and live our lives more freely and fully.

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